The M Village


Guide Map


Lotus Forest Distant our location about 14.3公里, drive about 27分

It’s near Sun-Link-Sea and in the in the original forest which is full of native plants; there is having rich animals and plants in Lotus Forest. The mountain is often filled with mist creating a misty area and beautiful scenery, which is also called mist forest. You can enjoy the cool weather here in summer, the scenery of mountain and forest in mist and drink coffee with relaxed mood.

Due to the roads on mountain steeply curved, some road sections are not flat. And the normal car can't drive here; for safety, tourists can contact with the cafeteria "Mist Cafe" in Lotus Forest and wait the shuttle bus on the entrance of mountain (if you walk to the mountain, you will spend 30~40 minutes.)

※Cafeteria in Lotus Forest (reservation first):
Opening hours:10:00~16:00
Service Line:0926-395792
Mr. Pan
You can have the reservation by phone. Cafeteria offers shuttle bus

※The above information is from56th in Nantou Report

※Traffic Information of Lotus Forest:
Location: In front of Sun-Link-Sea, Nantou
Information: Way to Sun Link River, you can see twelve zodiacs bend. When you see pig bend, you can see the sign of Lotus Forest.

※Shuttle bus (having charge):
Ren Yuan Tea Hone , Mr. Lee:0930-770062
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